The Corona virus pandemic has had a major impact on the world economy. If you are a business owner, you should definitely be looking at marketing solutions for inexpensive ads to battle the business impact of corona virus once the lock-down opens. This blog discusses the various cost effective marketing campaigns that businesses can adopt to boost their business in an economy suffering with the impact of corona virus.
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Most businesses, will be suffering from the COVID19 lock downs and downfall in the economy caused due to corona virus. You will also have a small budget when it comes to marketing and advertising. Marketing solutions for inexpensive ads are crucial for the growth and sustenance of businesses in such times of recession caused due to COVID19. You must spend your money very wisely. In order to make the most out of your advertising budget, you need to think smart. There are a plethora of options when it comes to low-budget advertisements.
Before we proceed to discuss the various cost effective marketing campaigns that you can adopt to boost your business in times of the corona virus pandemic, watch the video below to learn about simple ways to enhance productivity while working from home when ever there is a lock-down.
The variety of cost-effective marketing strategies could work at various levels and in various businesses in times of the corona virus pandemic. You just have to pick the advert method that suits your company the best. Here are a few to choose from.
1. Podcasts
A Podcast is an episodic audio or video file that a user can download and listen to. The interest in podcasts has increased over the years. That is the reason that you could use podcasts in times of the recession due to corona virus when using low-budget advertisements made by agencies or self are crucial. It is a cheap means to advertise your business compared to television commercials or even print media like newspapers. Besides, there are some other bizarre ways to do advertising once the lock-down opens that are cost-effective too. Read our blog on 10 UNUSUAL PLACES AT WHICH TOP ADVERTISING AGENCIES PUT ADS to know about those ways.
2. Newsletters
Newsletters are printed monthly, weekly or annual reports about the monthly, weekly or yearly progress of a company. It is one of the most effective low-budget advertisements that you or your agency could use to overcome the business impact of corona-virus economy. You can either publish them as emails or in the form of print. Getting newsletters to your customers helps you keep in touch with them. It is informative in nature. However, be certain to follow the format of a newsletter and do not turn it into a full-fledged ad propaganda to make the most of this strategy and negate the ill effects of COVID19 on your business. You may also like to know the 15 CRUCIAL POINTS TO REMEMBER WHILE DESIGNING A NEWSLETTER.
3. Radio
It is true that the importance of radio has decreased over the years owing to other forms of media. However, at least 70% of people worldwide listen to it. As far as marketing solutions for inexpensive ads for business success after the corona virus lockdown, radios are the way to go. Due to the competition in the media market business and the low ad spends by major advertisers in the COVID19 lock down period, the price for radio ads have gone down significantly. Radio stations are ideal if you have a family business and want to do the advert yourself in order to give it a personal touch and enjoy a local reach, regaining business after the coronavirus lock down period is over.
4. Cross-Promotions
This is an excellent marketing solution for inexpensive ads during the bleak economical times of the corona virus. Using cross promotions, two companies can come together and promote each other’s work. It is great way of gaining new customers as well as keeping your present customers enthralled and revive your business due to the corona virus business losses. It builds trust and authenticity. For example, the Indian clothing brand Sabyasachi Mukherjee collaborated with French designer Louis Vuitton to promote their individual lines. Although the aforementioned brands are well-renowned and world-famous and this was done before the corona virus took control over the world, this same tactic works well for small business advertising as well and would be fruitful for businesses to start earning profits again and overcome the losses that you have suffered due to the impact of COVID19 on your business.
5. YouTube
YouTube is an excellent means for effective low-budget advertisements made by agencies. You can certainly make use of YouTube of the fullest in times of corona virus and help your business grow again. However, one criteria of YouTube that should be fulfilled is that the advert should be eye-catching and interesting or people would be prone to skipping the ad. It is a competitive market on YouTube but it has all price ranges in case your ad budget is limited. The COVID 19 impact on your business can certainly be negated by getting active on YouTube.
6. Website Advertising
One of the most used marketing solution for inexpensive ads during the corona-virus pandemic is website advertising. Your website is your company’s identity. Therefore, you should utilize it to all means when promoting ads. You can share the link of your YouTube ad on your website. It is a way to get ahead of your competitors and forming a lasting impression on your customers. Making use of the digital tools during the COVID pandemic is going to be vital for all businesses big and small, since social distancing is going to be the upcoming norm.
Watch the video above to know about three essential tips to consider, while working remotely during a COVID lock-down.
If you own a small business, these are some of the most used marketing solutions for inexpensive ads that could prove to be crucial for marketing your business during the corona virus pandemic once the COVID19 lock down is over. Once you start growing again as a company and overcoming losses, you can use more competitive, expensive form of adverts like TV commercials. But while you are still trying to overcome the losses that your business has suffered due to the impact of coronavirus and are beginning your journey as a new company, these ad strategies would have to suffice.