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  • Post last modified:October 14, 2021
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What are the areas to consider while judging the effectiveness of a business powerpoint presentation? As an ad agency, we are willing to share our insights with you. Be it sales representation, pitching a new creative idea or a marketing campaign, there are some basic aspects you have to consider when you are about to use PowerPoint presentations for business. Here are the some tips and ideas that will help you prepare a ppt for sales presentation.

The main idea behind the effectiveness of a business powerpoint presentation is uniqueness. You can approach a very common topic from a different angle. When you prepare a ppt for sales presentation, you are given the liberty to present a different perspective to your team. A presentation can be crucial when closing sales, either in a client meeting or in a sales pitch in front of some of potential buyers. The trick is to adapt the basic presentation techniques to suit the needs of the business. In order to know how to make a sales representation that makes sales, keep reading.

Effectiveness of business powerpoint presentation, girl working on laptop image

Focusing on the Client’s Needs

To point out the effectiveness of a business powerpoint presentation, you need to focus on your client’s needs above everything. The presentation needs to be related to the client’s interest. A good way to do this is to highlight the product or service, their company’s capabilities and limitations. The presentation must give the impression that it completely understands the client’s perspective.

Effectiveness of business powerpoint presentation, girls discussing

Values is the Way to Go

When preparing a ppt for a sales presentation, it is necessary to highlight the benefits and strengths of the product. People must understand the value of the product and what sets it apart from its competitors. Value can be measured in terms of solution, cost, opportunity, etc. Speak of the opportunities that lie their way if they invest in the product.

Effectiveness of business powerpoint presentation, three girls sittting

Case Studies are a Helping Factor

When using PowerPoint presentation for business, one area that gets overlooked is the element of storytelling or case studies. If you have worked with a similar client or customer, showcase your experiences. It is a great way to win over people. For effectiveness of a business powerpoint presentation, it is necessary to be honest when sharing about case studies so that your clients/ customers do not develop unrealistic outcomes. Talk about how your company has added value to your customers in the past.


Images for Better Effectiveness

If one uses PowerPoint presentation for business, one cannot just focus on the benefits of your product and move on. For effectiveness, it is absolutely crucial that one uses graphics, product videos and customer success stories. Seeing is believing. It adds authenticity and attractiveness to your presentation. One can effectively show the clients the images via your tablet, smartphone, or a laptop connected to a projector.

Provide Data for relevance, tablet in hand of a man

Display Relevant Data

When preparing a ppt for sales presentation, it is vital that one provides adequate accurate date to the clients. People put a lot of importance on statistical data while making big investments such as numbers, percentages, graphs, etc. It enables to reliably add value to your business by using mathematical forms.

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Showcase your Marketing Knowledge

The effectiveness of a business powerpoint presentation depends on how one pairs the product information with your marketing insight. One has to show them the hidden opportunities that one has derived via marketing knowledge. If one gives the impression that one understands the market, consumer needs and trends, the client will be impressed and inclined to work with you.

For a sales representative, the use of PowerPoint presentation for business is the greatest means of communication. Regardless, there are things that go beyond these presentations. It is only the beginning of the journey. If you follow the structure mentioned here, you will be able to achieve optimal success in your presentation endeavours. The secret ingredients are confidence and self-belief. Read our next blog on BUILD CONFIDENCE AND ASSERTIVENESS: FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE RULES.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.