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  • Post category:AGENCIES
  • Post last modified:October 15, 2021
  • Reading time:5 mins read

We do have a basic idea of the functioning style of top advertising agencies, at least the traditional ones, but what about integrated marketing agencies which have exploded on the scene? What really are the principles of an integrated marketing agency? And what are the rules and guidelines followed by a good marketing company that makes them good? Let’s take a look into all of it.

With the developments our world has seen over the past few years, the functioning style of advertising agencies has changed as well, while adapting to the changing world. With the emergence of the age of digital, marketing has evolved and agencies that have adapted to it now function on the new found principles for an integrated marketing agency. So let’s take a look at the principles of an integrated marketing agency.

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1. Consistency

Consistency is probably the most important tenet out of all the rules and guidelines followed by a good marketing company. Good interactive marketing requires consistency with the brand message or the company mission statement, the design and styling, and even customer service. So to speak, everything you do, say, create and sell must adhere to the company’s mission statement. The design and styling of your product packaging, advertisements, website etc. should all convey a similar design scheme that defines your brand. This is the first tenet of the modern principles of an integrated marketing agency. Read our blog BUILD AN EFFECTIVE BRAND STRATEGY- A STEP BY STEP GUIDE to build a compelling brand strategy, today.

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2. Community

The functioning style of advertising agencies has indeed changed. The second tenet of the principles of an integrated marketing agency would be ‘Community’. While marketing and advertising to acquire new customers is all good and well, one should never neglect the existing customers. The real money is made from all your loyal customers. That’s your ‘community’. Learn more about customer acquisition in our blog A BEGINNERS GUIDE ON HOW TO ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS TO BUSINESS. Marketing to an existing customer base costs a lot less and generates a better ROI compared to attracting new customers. Both the existing and the prospective customers are equally important, so you do not neglect either one of them. This is among the most important rules and guidelines followed by a good marketing company.

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3. Cooperation

The third tenet of the principles of an integrated marketing agency is Co-operation. It says that for any successful marketing strategy to work, there needs to be complete cooperation between all departments. Everyone must be on the same page and work towards the same goals. This isn’t solved by having a simple office space restructuring. You need to structure tasks accordingly, and hold regular meetings to make sure everyone is on the same page. So if your sales team and your marketing team doesn’t get along, there’s a problem. This change in the functioning style of advertising agencies, compared to the older times would be yet another one, among the top rules and guidelines followed by a good marketing company. Our blog 5 PROVEN WAYS TO IMPROVE TEAM WORK AT WORKPLACE is an interesting read for establishing effective cooperation ethics in your organisation.

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4. Communication

Communication is the final key principle to integrated marketing and is one of the most important rules and guidelines followed by a good marketing company. Without it, everything else would quickly fall apart. Good CRM programs are a great option here. Not only do they help agency employees remember outreach calls and easily pick up previous conversations, but also help in having a good database filled with valuable and extraneous company information. The focus is on minimizing the amount of communication that needs to take place in order to get something done. CRM systems are a massive upgrade from the classical functioning style of advertising agencies, and are being adapted by more and more agencies because of their efficiency. Read our blog STEPS TO INITIATE GOOD INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN YOUR COMPANY for interesting insights on efficient communication.

So those were the 4 rules and guidelines followed by a good marketing company of the modern era. The functioning style of advertising agencies has truly evolved owing to the changes in the agency’s external environment with new developments through time, answering to the calls of the ever changing fast paced world we live in. Marketing agencies have always been there, evolving with time, building brands.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.

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  1. Job Resource

    Similarly, if you are using different agencies to produce different aspects of your marketing campaign, make sure there is someone in-house to monitor and coordinate their efforts, to ensure your branding has a consistent look and feel across channels.

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