Students are only focused on listening and speaking English in academics. The idea behind this effort is the belief that English speaking and listening skills may help them communicate better in real life. This article will help you understand the importance of English writing. We have also shared a few practical tips that will help you improve your English writing skills.
As much as English speaking and listening are essential, it is vital to learn and improve English writing skills. English skill is like working on your whole body, and you have to improvise and focus on all the areas to look perfect. Similarly, if you want to achieve proficiency in English, it is vital to cover all the areas. Each area of English requires time and practice, but the area that needs training the most is writing. If you want to quickly improve your spoken English, then read our blog QUICKLY IMPROVE YOUR SPOKEN ENGLISH BY FOLLOWING THESE STEPS.
Importance of developing English Writing Skills?
Writing may seem like a dull and straightforward task. Yet it’s a complete skill to learn grammatical rules, correct punctuation placements, and knowledge of correct spelling. Keeping in mind all these things will help you quickly improve your English writing skills.
1. Better Communication Skill
If you can speak and write English, you have developed English reading and listening proficiency. Constant practice and development in speaking and writing can allow you to express and communicate better with others.
2. Evaluate Yourself
English speaking and writing are interlinked bringing numerous benefits for the writers. An individual who has proficiency in both skills can have the ability to proofread content. But, reading the article for plagiarism checking might require some time and effort. In this case, students can rely on a plagiarism checker to evaluate the quality of their assignments before final submission. To know about the best online plagiarism checkers, read our blog THE BEST ONLINE PLAGIARISM CHECKERS AVAILABLE.
Plagiarism checking rescues students from facing academic penalties for submitting duplicated content. These tools provide a detailed report as the supporting evidence for their assignments.
Furthermore, if the plagiarism report consists of a considerable percentage of duplicated content, it is ideal to use plagiarism remover tools to create unique content. A plagiarism remover maintains the original sense of the text by providing a relevant alternative for words and phrases. This concept is ideal for making the content unique and readable.
3. Application of PUNCTUATION
Another important factor in English writing is familiarity with punctuation. While speaking or listening, we may learn about the sense of conversation, but we miss out on punctuation like question marks and exclamation marks. Understanding the use of punctuation will help you improve your English writing skills. Punctuation are only revealed in writing, and they help you learn more about the nature of sentences. By knowing the use of punctuation, you can discover where to pause or stop in a conversation or formal discussion. I f you want to learn more about the magical content editing techniques, then read our blog MAGICAL EDITING TECHNIQUES A COPYWRITING COMPANY WON’T SHARE WITH YOU.
Practical Tips to Improve English Writing Skills
1. Reading
Writing is not only a job of hands, but you always have to keep your eyes focused. Reading is necessary because you have to perform thorough research to learn about something to feature it in your writing. Reading will help you develop your English proficiency and will also improve your English writing skills. Reading enhances your ability to understand and implement the researched information. Moreover, it’s crucial to go through various sources for the same topic or niche. We should be familiar with the difference between formal and informal writing styles. There is no exact number for the types of writing, but every niche follows a different tone and structure. You must incorporate reading as a part of your daily habits. If you want to learn more about the daily habits that will help you grow in your career then read our blog 5 DAILY HABITS TO MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT.
Let’s suppose you’re writing for a social media post, and then you’ll have to use informal language, which is something different from a blog post or newsletter. Therefore, exposure to varying types of writing is necessary. While you’re reading, focus on the structure of the writing. Every type of writing has a specific structure. You’ll find a specific kind of structure for each type of writing. Notice the breakage between the paragraphs and the length of each writing. Identify the placement of punctuation. Reading is equal to analyzing, so pay attention to details. Once you are done reading other writing pieces, practice the aspects of that writing in your article. Follow the elements you have noticed in the other paper and practice well on them.
2. Improve Grammar Mistakes
A good writer can quickly identify any grammatical mistakes while reading an article. Grammatical errors can be overlooked in normal day to day conversation. But in written form, they are prominent as they ruin the sense of the sentence. One effective method to avoid grammatical mistakes is by keeping your sentences concise. Keeping your sentences short and adding necessary breaks maintain the clarity expressed with proficient grammar. The lack of breakage in both speaking and writing tests your grammar proficiency. Pauses play a crucial role in speaking while punctuation plays the breakage role in English writing. You must also know about some of the best grammar editor tools available on the internet. Read our blog THE BEST GRAMMAR EDITORS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT and improve your English writing skills.
It is recommended to scan the content through a grammar checker for in-depth analysis of errors and grammatical mistakes. By using these tools, students can learn about what mistakes they have done and resolve them on an immediate basis. Grammar checking tools follow the fundamental rules to correct spelling and grammatical implementations. These tools also identify the active or passive voice of a sentence and provide suggestions to improve the quality of the content.
3. Follow a Dictionary
Reading through the dictionary can also expand your knowledge regarding spelling mistakes and punctuation. Dictionary also helps to correct your speaking as well. A dictionary contains a breakdown under each word to pronounce it correctly.
You can also make use of a thesaurus to learn and incorporate relevant synonyms and new words in your writing. Thesaurus is far more comprehensive than a dictionary. It provides complete information about a particular topic with relevant headings and sections. Using a dictionary and thesaurus can help you avoid repeating words in your writing. You’ll be able to understand the implementation of the correct terms based on the context.
4. Start from a Journal
Making a daily journal is the simplest form of practising fresh writing in small portions. You don’t need to start by writing lengthy pages of text daily to polish your English skills. There is no restriction on journalism writing, and you can write short or lengthy text depending on your capability and interest. To understand the importance of maintaining a journal, read our blog THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD MAINTAIN A JOURNAL.
Journalism is like your personal way of implementing and practising English skills. There is no restriction or boundness of grading either. Journalism helps to implement grammatical and vocabulary mistakes, making your way of writing more fluent.
5. Start With Basic Writing
Once you have practised all the mentioned activities, it’s time to produce something yourself. Becoming a professional takes time, so growth starts at primary levels. Try to avoid practising active, passive writing directly. It can create confusion in creating the structure of a sentence.
The ideal practice is to write a short sentence containing a single subject or object. In the fundamental stage, you need to learn about the implementation of verbs with subject and object. Once you are done writing simple sentences, progress to creating the same sentence negating and questionnaire statements. In this way, you can improve your English writing skills & learn to write different forms of punishments, whether negative or exclamatory.
How can Students Improve Their Writing Skills by Themselves?
Students need to polish their English writing skills more than anyone else. A student has to function as a writer and editor all by themselves to achieve good grades on exam papers. Therefore, we have presented some effective learning methods for students to improve their English writing skills at home:
1. Book Reading
This activity is exciting and progressive for students to gain a more robust command of English skills. Reading is the kind of activity you can perform anywhere. For educational institutes, libraries are the best section where you can find some peaceful area to read a book. Book reading becomes indulging once you get the hang of reading and imagining the story. It can ultimately help you understand how sentences are connected. In this way you can develop your English proficiency & improve your English writing skills.
Books also clarify the use of prepositions with every dialogue and reaction. Start with short stories as they are easy to read and understand. Then you can progress to novel reading which is like reading a movie script.
2. Go Online
The Internet is the most important source of learning nowadays. English learners can approach various platforms like Google scholar to read journals, research papers, and case studies on specific topics. Besides learning English, students can gain valuable information about their study area. Suppose you’re studying in the technology line and read about innovative technology online. Another way is to get assistance from online tools, which provide you with complete guidance on writing styles, spelling, and grammatical errors. Students can constantly practice on the online editors to improve their writing through typing skills as well.
3. Watch Anything IN English
If you’re not into reading books, find documentaries or shows produced in the English language. Watch informational videos related to your interests. You can learn new words and phrases to feature in your writing and speaking. It is not recommended to watch something entertaining as it may affect your English with slang phrases. Therefore, go with educational and informational videos that add value to your studies and general knowledge.
4. Express Yourself
Many students have the habit of writing a diary daily. They write down the activities of their whole day and express their feelings and emotions through writing, all in one place. Writing a journal is a creative activity because you have a lot more to offer in your words when you express yourself. Journal or diary writing encourages the element of creativity. You can read your previous writings to hint at any mistakes and compare them with your fresh writing.
English proficiency is a dire need for everyone, including students, educators, and web content writers. It’s the most widely spoken language globally, and everything from studies to research is published majorly in English. Therefore, individuals belonging to professional fields like education, technical, or business development require English proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing. Writing develops the authenticated connection and agreement between two entities professionally. If you want to pursue content writing as your career then you must know everything about content writing. Read our blog WHAT IS CONTENT WRITING? ANSWER FROM A PROFESSIONAL COMPANY and know about the scope & opportunities in this field.