Explore the latest trends and behind the scene realities of digital marketing here! This section contains articles that highlight the basics of digital marketing along with the articles that communicate advanced practical knowledge. Digital marketeers and aspiring personal wishing to advance to the digital age, can gain from the immersive first hand knowledge shared here.
Social media marketing is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy. Similarly, hashtags are an important part of social media marketing. Every business must know how to use hashtags…
With approximately 250 million monthly active users, LinkedIn is a great platform for businesses all over the world. It has a more business-centered approach and is an important marketing resource.…
Content optimization is a crucial factor in search engine optimization. How keywords are used in the content is important, especially if you rely heavily on your content to drive organic…
Twitter is a powerful tool for individuals and digital marketing agencies. Many businesses have used it to promote their brands and products and have gained positive results. The reason for…
Videos have become a popular channel for top digital marketers to get commercial messages across to an audience. Videos are the most engaging content type and are more effective in…
In the first quarter of 2018, Facebook had around 2.19 billion monthly active users. It is one of the best social media networks for businesses to promote themselves. In fact,…
Without proper search engine optimization, it wouldn’t matter if you have valuable content or a user-friendly website. Though SEO is one of the slowest marketing techniques, it builds credibility and…
The foundation of search engine optimization is keywords. It is through the keywords that people search for businesses, products, or services on search engines. But how does one know, which…
Paid search can be a bit overwhelming in the beginning. Pay per click marketing is also called search engine marketing. This type of marketing is somewhat complex because of the…
Guest blogging is a popular digital marketing technique used to gain visibility. It is a great way to build relationships with experts, influencers, and other bloggers in your niche. Guest…