Guest blogging is a popular digital marketing technique used to gain visibility. It is a great way to build relationships with experts, influencers, and other bloggers in your niche. Guest blogging also helps to establish yourself as a credible authority in your niche. You can easily get website traffic with guest blogging. This blog lists the benefits of guest blogging and helps you get website traffic with guest blogging.

Guest blogging or guest posting is a practice where people contribute posts for someone else’s blog. It is done to increase website traffic, build exposure, links, authority, and foster relationships. Guest blogging offers many benefits, both to the contributor and for the website you contribute to.

Benefits of Guest Blogging

  • Exposure to a targeted audience: The importance of guest posting is that, even if the blog doesn’t link back to your site, which is rare, you get exposed to a targeted audience. If the guest post is of high quality, it ultimately helps to increase website traffic.
  • Generate qualified leads: Posting on niche related websites that have a good flow of traffic helps to generate qualified leads. This is because it helps you connect with an audience that will be interested in your products or services.
  • Connect with influencers: The importance of guest posting is that it helps you to build relationships with influencers and experts in your niche.
  • Generate backlinks: Most websites give authors backlinks for their contribution. Backlinks from authoritative websites make content easily indexable and discoverable.

Read about the reasons behind the sudden loss in website traffic, in our blog: SUDDEN WEBSITE TRAFFIC LOSS REASONS: THINGS TO CHECK.

Steps for guest blogging

  • Determine your customers: Just like when you start a blog, you know who your customers are. Same way, you must know your customers when you decide to go for a guest post. Without knowing who to target, choosing the sites to contribute to will be hard. Determine who will gain the most value from your products, services, and content so that you successfully increase website traffic with guest blogging.
  • Identify sites to contribute to: The next step is to identify sites that you could contribute to. One way is to perform search queries like “[Keyword] guest post”, “[Keyword] guest blog”, [Keyword] write for us”, etc. Perform twitter or LinkedIn searches, analyze backlinks on websites in the same niche as yours, or search for a list of websites that accept guest posts to identify the best sites. Make sure that the websites that have high DA, are relevant to your niche so that you successfully increase website traffic with guest blogging. A few guest blogging websites where you can post are Buzzfeed, WikiHow, The Uni Square Blog,, SEMrush, etc.
  • Networking: Networking and building relationships are essential for guest blogging in order to increase website traffic. Sometimes, a referral from someone you know, to the top authority websites, can help you in getting your content posted on those websites.
  • Reach out to credible blogs: Once you have a list of websites that you can contribute to, begin reaching out to them. You can fill a contact form or email one of their editors or authors of the website. You can even contact them on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc in case, there is no response. Tell them about your brand and state that you would be honored to contribute. List your prospective contributions and provide links to your best content.
  • Write good content: Create content that is as good or better than the content you post on your website. Through your content, answer the questions that readers have, solve their problems, or make a step-by-step guide. Create high quality, lengthy posts and include screenshots, flowcharts, infographics, etc.
  • Share content: When you receive positive responses, work on pitches and article formats, send them the content that you have written. If you do not receive a response after you’ve shared the content, follow up with an email. Once your blog has been posted, share it on your website and social media platforms, and thank the website for publishing your content. Check out the ultimate blog marketing guide, in our blog: THE ULTIMATE BLOG MARKETING GUIDE.

Continue to reach out and pitch content ideas to websites. Keep track of all the publishers you have worked with. You can even include links to the best websites that you have contributed to, when pitching content. After a month or two, you can reach out to the websites where your content was published and offer to write another guest post. This helps to build credibility, builds connections with the website owners, and helps you to get website traffic with guest blogging.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.