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  • Post category:MARKETING
  • Post last modified:March 19, 2023
  • Reading time:5 mins read

All the marketing strategies of IT industry serve the purpose of increasing sales. One of the most successful marketing strategies for an IT company is Direct response marketing. This article proposes a tactical approach to undertake direct response marketing for IT industry. Before going further, read our blog on 10 SUCCESSFUL MARKETING TACTICS THAT WORK FOR EVERY INDUSTRY in order to know some useful marketing tactics for your company.

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Direct response marketing is defined as the process of marketing which invokes an immediate response from the prospective customers. It involves delivery of call to action like ‘Order now’, ‘Sign up’, etc. followed by a direct response from the prospective customers. Following are some points which can help in forming a systematic approach to direct response marketing for IT industry:

Purpose- transform customer’s feedback into action

1. Purpose- transform customer’s feedback into action

Effective integration of customer’s feedback into business working is an essential requirement. Further, it allows the customers to feel important in their relationship with the company. Direct response marketing for IT industry enables you to get relevant information from the customer base. For example, a negative feedback from a customer should be properly analysed. Thereafter, the company must work on overcoming the problem raised. A systematic feedback system should be formulated to get the overall feedbacks easily. In short, enlist the various ways which can be used to act upon the feedbacks provided by the customers. This will result in a productive marketing strategy for an IT company.

Call to action system

2. Call to action system

Direct response marketing involves directing the customers to act. Putting up call to action statements in front of the customers to make them act instantly in terms of taking decisions. The call to action statements should be put up in front of the customers with clarity. Develop a sense of urgency in front of the customers in a non hurried way. Direct response marketing for IT industry desires a specific action from the customers, for example, ‘Donate now’ or ‘Call before 10 p.m.’. Generally, the customers end up taking that action only. The call to action statements must enter the process of selling when you have made the customers well versed with the benefits of the product. In simple terms, the customers should be convinced in respect of the usefulness of the product.

direct response marketing for IT industry

3. Make it easy

Successful direct response marketing for IT industry offers convenience to the customers. It has the tendency to eliminate all the possible barriers and restrictions that a customer can encounter while making the purchase. Formulate an easy way to make the customers act instantly. The entire process of invoking a direct response from the customer’s end should be made simple and specific. For example, you can offer something for free as people love free things.

Give highest priority to customer satisfaction, Significance and ways of doing relationship marketing in the IT industry

4. Develop personalised customer relationships- ensure customer loyalty

Direct response marketing is a marketing strategy for an IT company which pulls the customers towards a specific action. It makes the customers think and take the decisions faster. It initiates a personalised relationship with the prospective customers which is significant to retain them, for example, sign up for free. This will make the prospects of sign up on the website resulting in a one to one relationship between the customers and company.

All the above points can be implemented to undertake direct response marketing for IT industry. It is essential to develop a systematic approach in order to increase sales of IT company. The above four points serve as an effective aid in the development of a marketing strategy for IT company. Check our next blog on A GUIDE WITH EXAMPLES FOR NETWORK MARKETING to know how this form of marketing has been smartly implemented by some of the popular companies.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.