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  • Post category:MARKETING
  • Post last modified:November 9, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Sales are a driving force towards the success of any business. We adopt various methods to boost our sales required for the growth of our company. One of the prominent methods to boost sales is publicity. Every company’s motive is to get good publicity to meet sales goals. This article lays down the various ways of good publicity to enhance our sales and meet the goals timely.

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Publicity is simply an outcome of attention placed by the media. Publicity can be gained by a company in both the directions- negative and positive. Only positive publicity leads to an increase in sales and makes business famous. Hence, we have focused on the secret behind good publicity in this article. Following are some points required for good publicity to meet sales goals:


Good publicity acts as a positive influence to increase the sales

1. Raising awareness about the product 

Good publicity acts as a positive influence to increase the sales of your product. It ends up building a productive and constructive ambience for your product, which in turn enhances your sales and make business famous. Your reach in the target market expands and awareness about your product or service increases in an affirmative manner with publicity.

Good publicity enhances the awareness about your product

2. Good publicity ensures new customers

Good publicity enhances the awareness of your product and lets you reach a wide audience. Since your product gets an edge in the market via good publicity, new customers automatically turn up. Thus, your customer base expands by keeping the old customers intact and inviting new ones.


Social media platforms are an effective way to develop link ups

1. Use social media to get publicity 

Social media platforms are an effective way to get publicity for business. This can be done by developing link ups with your customers. It is one of the most productive promotional tools to make business famous. In order to grasp attention on social media, one must develop an appropriate approach. For eg. you must put focus on development of an attractive and systematic page on Facebook, Instagram, etc. Social media is a convenient way to generate good publicity to meet sales goals. However, promotion through social media demands uniqueness with a constructive mindset.

maintain link ups with popular media channels

2. Maintain link ups with top media channels 

You can maintain link ups with popular media channels in the country to get publicity for your business. Everybody looks up to the media channels for getting updated with the latest on goings. Association with media channels is an authentic and credible way to get in touch with the public.

generate publicity by a good content for your organisation using press releases

3. Press releases

Press releases are information sent to newspapers and magazines concerning significant issues. They are a conventional way to get in touch with the media to get exposure for your business. A compelling and strong story in your content can generate publicity. Therefore, you can acquire publicity by a good content for your business using press releases.

The above points give you an understanding of the benefits of publicity and ways to generate the same. However, publicity can be either negative or positive. Good publicity to meet sales goals is ideal but one must know how to deal with negative publicity also. The aim of every company should focus on improving the good publicity and learning from the negative publicity.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.