Posters are an effective way to reach out to your customers by grabbing their attention. There are numerous elements, which are to be focused upon for maintaining a poster’s visual appeal. The type of audience targeted, purpose of the poster etc. are some of the factors that are to kept in mind. A step wise procedure can take you towards your final goal in a systematic manner. This article lays down a simple step by step approach to ‘how to design a professional poster for business’.
A good poster is more than just colors. All the elements of a good poster design should be well balanced. It should be attractive to the eye, readable and creative. Moreover, the message of the poster should be clearly highlighted. Following are simplified poster designing steps, which will enable you to learn corporate poster designing in a better way:
1. Decide the size and format
Generally the posters are designed in A3 size. Some people also prefer to go in for a A4 size poster. Determine a suitable size for your poster. If you wish to catch the reader’s attention in a short span of time, go for a large poster. Further, place it at crowded places. Go for a small sized poster if you wish to distribute your poster. The sizing of the poster is primarily dependent upon the purpose of the poster. There is flexibility in picking an ideal size for a poster by suiting it to your requirements. Arrange the overall format of the poster’s visual depending upon how convenient it is for the viewers. Choose the alignment and placement of the header and footer wisely by aligning them with an appropriate placement of other elements. This is the first step to learn corporate poster designing. To know more about other basics of designing, refer to our blog DESIGNING AND ITS DISCIPLINES: A BASIC UNDERSTANDING.
2. Gather inspiration and generate conceptual ideas
There are loads of posters around us. Some are innovative while others aren’t. Observe your surroundings and gather inspiration from effective posters. Analyse the structure of their elements, which contribute to their effectiveness in communicating a particular message. Use your imagination to come up with various creative themes. Keep on scribbling until you find an ideal concept for your poster. This is one of the most significant poster designing steps. Read our blog 10 DESIGNING METHODOLOGIES FOR CREATIVE CONCEPTUALIZATION OF IDEAS to know more about developing creative ideas.
3. Focus on typography
Focus on appropriate usage of fonts, along with a neat and constructive placement of the text. Without your text, nobody will understand the message you wish to communicate. The effectiveness of your message depends upon the typography. The main message should be inserted at a prominent place. Use fonts which are easily readable. You can also use contrasting fonts. For example, use the fonts that are fairly similar. This is an effective way of grabbing attention. Typography plays a significant role in the process of ‘how to design a professional poster for business’. Learn more about graphic designing basics in our blog FUNDAMENTALS OF GRAPHIC DESIGNING- CAPTURE CUSTOMERS EFFORTLESSLY.
4. Use artistic colors to enhance the visual appeal
People love posters because of their colourful outlook. Therefore, colours are one of the major sources of attraction in a poster. Understand the meaning behind every colour before choosing one. Bright colours play the role of energizing your poster. Cooler colours mark their elegance. Choose colours which complement the purpose behind your poster. You can use tools like Adobe Kuler to find an ideal colour palette for your poster. Understanding the importance of every colour is essential to learn corporate poster designing. To know more about important color schemes, refer to our blog TOP COLOR COMBINATIONS: POWER OF COLOR RELATIONSHIPS.
5. Insert bold and professional images
Bold and professional images are useful for visually communicating your message. Always go for high resolution images. They are essential to give a professional and credible look to your poster. You can use various forms of images like images of characters, texture and landscapes. Inserting bold and professional images will give a realistic look to your poster. This is an important poster designing step. Our blog on HOW TO CUT AN IMAGE IN PHOTOSHOP: THE USEFUL TOOLS can be an interesting read for understanding image cropping tricks.
All the above steps render an implied approach to the process of ‘how to design a professional poster for business’. They will help you form a basic mindset about learning corporate poster designing. Put all these steps into implementation with a tactical mindset and you’re ready to go.