It is very essential for every professional to have a good relationship with everyone who is concerned with his area of work. But the most important thing is to have a good relationship with the clients. In the case of content writers, they need to have friendly/ family-like relations with their readers. This blog will introduce some secret tips for content writers to build family like relations with their readers. These tips will help you to write impressive content. Some of such tips and ways include writing about common problems, using understandable language and many more.

An ideal content writer would always manage to maintain cordial relations with his readers. Building family-like relations can prove to be very beneficial in the long run. A content writer having goodwill, will have higher traffic on his blog/ website. Having family-like relations with the readers is the best way to create goodwill. If you are a content writer, then you must know these tips and tricks. This blog is all set to guide you on how to engage readers and write impressive content.

No paperbacks at all

1. Penetrable Content & Language 

It is the primary step to write impressive content in order to build a strong bond with your readers. A connection will be formed only when the readers are able to understand you and your point of view. That’s the reason why several readability tests are conducted for the writings. Check this blog on READABILITY TESTS: KNOWLEDGE REQUIRED TO DO A READABILITY TEST ONLINE. These tests refine your content and make it delightful for the reader. It is highly recommended to use easy yet interesting vocabulary to engage readers.

The language used in the content should be understandable at least to the majority of potential readers. Any technical term used must be explained to avoid confusion. For example, if you are writing about health issues and you keep using medical terms which are non-understandable to the general public, then you must specify its meaning. Once the readers understand your content, they will automatically connect with you. This will be the first step towards building a family-like bond with your audience.

Research properly

2. Asking Query/ Suggestions from Viewers

Everyone wants to be heard. People want to give suggestions. They want to solve queries of others. It has been psychologically proven that asking questions or advice from people makes them feel special and important. In order to create a strong bond with the readers, a content writer should be able to make them feel important. Making anyone feel special is not a very difficult task.

A content writer should frequently ask questions and suggestions from its readers. He/ she must do everything possible to engage with its audience. Suggestions, reviews and comments must be invited and encouraged in order to engage readers. Also, asking questions and suggestions from various people can help you to write impressive content. Asking about reviews shall help you to improve your writing style. It might help in elimination of your shortcomings too. Doing surveys to analyze the market is also one of the steps to narrow down the target readers. Check out the next blog on STEPS TO IDENTIFY THE TARGET AUDIENCE: KNOW WHAT IS MARKET.

Distance yourself from gossip

3. Replying to Comments & Using their Suggestions 

The next step after asking for suggestions and comments is to cater to them. This is by far, the best secret tip for content writers on “how to engage the readers.” A content writer should reply to as many comments as possible. Also, one must answer the comments or suggestions in a polite manner. Replying to them should be an act of courtesy. Make sure your answers are polite and useful.

The readers will feel good about themselves when you hear and respond to them. In this way, communication between you and your readers completes. Check out this blog about GOOD COMMUNICATION SKILLS– AN INDISPENSABLE PART OF WORK to improve your communication skills. By replying to their queries, the communication will not be just one way anymore. It would help significantly in creation of healthy and family-like relations with the readers.

Fashion Blogging, 10 Easy yet Interesting content writing topics for beginners

4. Reader-Friendly Content

“Fake it till you make it” is the best expression for this tip. In order to form family-like relations with your audience, you have to behave as if you are already friends with them. Having brilliant relationship with all the readers will bring a zeal to your content. Writing content and replying to the comments as if you are already friends with the readers will deliver a very positive message. The readers will relate and connect more with you and your content if you write content in a not-so-formal manner.

Content Writing - write impressive content

5. Writing about the Problems that the Viewers might Face

Everybody wants to talk about the problems they face. Talking about troubles can make a person feel light. It also opens doors for solutions. People google about the solutions to their problems and read several blogs about them. If you want to have a good relationship with your readers then you should write about their problems. People will relate with your content even more. This is one more way to engage readers more than ever before.

A content writer should write about some common and basic problems that everyone faces. For example, almost everybody deals with stress these days. If you write about this topic on the ground level and give practical and feasible solutions, then a connection will form between you and your readers. Here are the 5 WEBSITES TO CONSIDER FOR GUEST POSTING. ANSWER TO ‘WHERE TO WRITE A BLOG’? which can help you in writing on different websites and platforms about the reader’s problems.

Briefing- write impressive content

6. Use friendly ways to explain

A content writer needs to use the friendliest methods to write content. One should use relatable, practical and general examples to elaborate the content. Relating the content with the common issues and matters can make people connect with you. A content writer should talk about things that most people know about. Using common and polite slang can build strong relations. Eventually, you will be able to form family-like relations with your readers. Click here to know some of THE BEST GRAMMAR EDITORS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT to make your blog friendly and easy to understand.

These were some secret tips for content writers to create healthy bond with their readers. Creating a bond with the readers is the easiest and most fruitful way to lead and succeed. These tips and tricks will help you to engage readers and write impressive content.These tested methods will definitely help you in creating a strong and beautiful relationship with your readers. In our next blog we discuss about A THOROUGH GUIDE ON HOW TO WRITE PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE CONTENT in order to grow business.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.