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  • Post category:DESIGNING
  • Post last modified:October 14, 2021
  • Reading time:5 mins read

The basic job of rules is to achieve a definite structure. Everybody wishes to get better at what they do. However, nobody is able to acquire perfection. This is primarily because of not focusing on the basics such as compositions and layouts. There are numerous principles and rules for professional layouting. However, only a few are effective like usage of grids, rule of thirds, etc. This article presents the ultimate rule book for professional design composition and layouting.

An ideal composition is essential to develop a proper flow in the design. Without a good composition, all the elements of the design seem to fall apart. A layout holds all the design elements together. Thus, composition and layouting are two significant ingredients in the recipe of designing. Following is the rule book for professional designing:

professional composition design and layouting

1. Scaling with emphasis

Every design needs to have a focal point. That focal point is supposed to keep the viewers engaged. Scaling is necessary for appropriate placement of the focal point. You should place it in such a way that it is the first thing to come into contact with the viewers. You can do this by increasing its size or simply blurring the background. Further, the focal point should have an in-built emphasis. Scaling with emphasis is necessary to establish a hierarchy in the design and get a structured composition. This is an important point for professional design composition and layouting.

rule of thirds is a simple yet effective rule in the rule book for professional designing

2. Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a simple yet effective rule in the rule book for professional designing. You just have to divide your design into three rows and three columns. The meeting of horizontal and vertical lines gives the right kind of balance to your design. It works as a guideline for appropriately placing your elements in the design. It imparts a pleasing look to your design. The rule of thirds is an expert guidance tip for brand material design.

Use grids

3. Utilising grid

Grid enables you to get an organised and neat design. It reduces the overall time required in the process of designing. Create a strong grid for your project. This will build consistency in your design and there will be lesser changes in the future. A grid builds a strong foundation for your design. Utilizing the grid has become a necessary step for professional design composition and layouting.

4.Bring out the mood of the image

4. Rule of odds

The rule of odds states that the odd number of elements placed in a composition enhance the visual appeal of a design. Mostly, three elements are placed. One of them is the focal point which remains in the limelight or the centre. The other elements must be complementing the focal point. They should impart a balance to the design by contributing to the aesthetic element of the design. This is another important rule of the rule book for professional designing.

inculcate design

5. Inculcate balance

A design should have harmonious elements. Don’t forget the negative space or white space. It is equally relevant to develop a balance in your design. You need to balance between the white space and the elements for imparting a flow to your design. This will enhance the legibility of the elements in your design. A claustrophobic design is an unsuccessful design. Therefore, maintain a proper balance in your design.

All the above points are effective rules for professional design composition and layouting. It will strengthen your design by building a strong foundation. Follow these rules while designing the composition and layout of your design to achieve successful results.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.