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  • Post last modified:April 24, 2020
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If you own a financial enterprise, you must be looking for the top ways of promoting a financial ad. Your main concern should be about generating lead for financial business. It is a tricky business when an advertising agency takes up financial ventures. Here are the best marketing strategies for ads representing financial corporations.

When you are generating lead for financial business, it matters significantly how you position your product or services. It’s the basis of how you conduct your business and what you choose to put into the advertising. You must ask yourself: what is it that my corporation is focused on doing for my customers? What is its unique selling point?

The top ways of promoting a financial ad should be directed to serve your purposes. All campaigns and promotions should centered around your strengths as a company. You have to position your corporation before the advertisement is decided upon. Do your research. Here are some of the best marketing strategies for agencies to use when representing a financial company:

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1. Secure a bond of trust

There is a sense of trust and authenticity required in any kind of business, especially when you are trying to generate lead for financial business. The financial company has to be committed to the monetary benefits of the customers. Here are some of the ways to build that trust:

  • Establish business stability when it comes to your customers. People are willing to trust you with all their life savings- lakhs and crores of rupees. You must show them that your bank or brokerage house is concrete and stable. It is an establishment that will not fail them. Your job is to build the confidence of your customers. One way of doing this is to publish annual reports. Showcase any certifications or merits that your company has received for its stable financial ventures.
  • Find a trustworthy spokesperson to represent your corporation. It can be a celebrity, a famous businessman, a renowned scholar and so on.  It is equivalent to getting an influencer to advertise your product on social media. It will help in generating lead for financial business.  
  • Honesty is the best policy when it comes to financial ads. If you are publishing an annual report or a profit statement, be accurate about it. If people find out about such dishonest means, both the ad agency and the financial company will receive a bad reputation.
  • Introduce the people who manage the corporation. Talk about the giants: the CEOs, the stockbrokers, the investors, the businessman, the bankers. Bring forth the wolves of the Wall Street. People are attracted to such things; they will trust these people more than the company policies themselves. Here is A BEGINNER’S GUIDE ON HOW TO ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS TO BUSINESS and gain their trust.
  • Have a serious, professional tone in your ad. Money is a serious business. Be direct, factual and blunt about it. Do not use flowery language or humor. It would help build trust and is one of the top ways of promoting a financial ad.

Keep your Offers Simplified

2. Keep your offers simplified

When it comes to financial offers and clauses, most people are not adept at understanding them. One of the best marketing strategies for agencies to use when representing a financial company is to keep the offers as simple as possible. Do not just use technical words, but also explain them.

People cannot be convinced unless they know what the offers are trying to convey. Use the layman’s language to get through to people of all ages, education levels and nationalities. Do not try to be too highbrow. Be genuine, relatable and down-to-earth.

Use Television, Top ways of promoting a financial ad by the best agencies

3. Use Television

Television ads cause mainstream success when it comes to the top ways of promoting a financial ad. There are many reasons that lie behind the importance of television ads in advertising. Read our blog on THE BEST MARKETING COMPANIES USE TV ADS: ITS EFFECTIVENESS TODAY. People understand things better when they are acted out and performed on the silver screen. The ad should comprise of familiar day-to-day scenarios. It is beneficial in reaching both higher income groups and lower income groups.

Brand Concept

4. Use a Brand Logo

One of the best marketing strategies for agencies is to find a distinctive and unique symbol that represents your company. A logo is a must for large enterprises. The symbol has to be representative of your company, so here are the 5 CRUCIAL LOGO DESIGNING TIPS FOR EXPERTS. For example, The Merrill Lynch bulls give a picture of the strength and stability of the enterprise when it comes to tackling American economy. People should recognize your brand by just looking at the logo. Have a look at the logos designed by us for our clients.

Top-class Presentation, Top ways of promoting a financial ad by the best agencies

5. Top-class Presentation

Do not make your ad look crass, cheap or ugly. Be classy in your approach. Use appropriate images that portray the company in all its glory. Have a look at some of the PRESENTATION SKILLS: TIPS AND TRICKS in order to engage your listeners and effectively demonstrate your idea. Your ad should be representative of the high-quality services provided by the company itself.

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6. Make a harmonious whole

It is certain that the financial company you are representing does not provide one service but a number of services to a varied group of people. In order to generate lead for financial business, use a common theme that would act as an umbrella for all these services. It should not seem like separate companies are operating all the small functions but the theme should represent one big corporation.

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7. Use the customer’s language

One of the top ways of promoting a financial ad is to talk like your customer in their voice. Be genuine and informative. It creates trust and authenticity. The advertisement and the company both become more relatable. See the whole advertisement from your customer’s perspective.

Chose an interesting topic

8. Be Persuasive

People should feel that your company really wants them as customers. Analogous to considering SECRET PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT POINTS, you should take steps to build company’s goodwill that has effect on customer’s mind. Make them feel at ease and welcomed. Be it a high income person or a low income person, be persuasive about them buying your service. Be welcoming with queries and doubts people might have. They should not hesitate when asking for a bank loan or inquiring about opening an account.

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9. Use a Long copy

When it comes to generating leads for a financial business, you should not shy away from the use of a long copy. These kinds of ads are informative, therefore, long copies are beneficial. Usually they make the use of graphs and images to convince people. Financial commitments are important to people, so they would not hesitate in reading a full body of information before latching on to a decision.

Taking on financial enterprise advertising and marketing is a long-term commitment. While you apply the top ways of promoting a financial ad, measure your results induced by the campaigns. There are a lot of rivals willing to fight for first place. Your most essential quality is your unique approach that will set you apart from the competitors.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.