Do you plan to work with top marketing companies? Are you afraid that these supposedly best marketing companies will cheat you? It is highly likely that you might be lured into a trap by deceiving companies. To test if the top advertising agencies are misusing your money, watch out for these warning signs.
Being cheated is a not-so-pleasant part of the entrepreneur experience. Honest business exists in theory only because in the real world, everyone is trying to get ahead of each other (even if it means the use of unfair means). You have to be smart when you are working with top marketing companies. You might notice some suspicious activities on the part of the even best marketing companies. Do not ignore these red flags. Your job is to investigate into these activities and save your business. Here are a few areas you need to be careful about:
False Reports from marketing companies
You may want to work with top marketing companies to organize campaigns on Google AdWords. The marketing company may refuse to send you first-hand financial report from AdWords as it is a part of their own intellectual property. However, they might agree to send you monthly PDF reports on their progress. You, as a business-owner, must know the MOST COMMON PAYMENT TERMS OF ADVERTISING AGENCIES and should possess complete reporting privileges when it comes to your campaigns. Although, everything else associated with the campaign might be out of your hands. If you see an advertising agency under performing, then you must get to the bottom of it.
Look for a good agency that is willing to send you transparent reports on a frequent basis. Google ads is one of the most effective online advertising platform. Read our next blog on to BENEFITS AND WORKING OF ADVERTISING ON GOOGLE ADS.
Top marketing companies cheating on your budget
A so-called best marketing company may ask you for a hefty amount of budget by promising an increased number of Facebook followers and the influx of high-quality traffic. Instead, they may allocate useless traffic from Google Display Network by using scripts to cheat Google Analytics. Most importantly, you should check out the qualities to look for TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AGENCY for attracting customers.
Also, the scripts shown by marketing companies may give an incorrect summary of Bounce Rates. It will show as if your website has had an increased number of relevant visitors. A client may buy false Facebook followers with a portion of your money. Check out this link about the TECHNICAL SEO TACTICS TO IMPROVE WEBSITE TRAFFIC which can help you get better understanding of gaining organic website traffic.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
KPI is the scale with which you can measure how your business is performing. It is used to evaluate the success of your endeavors. Some of the best marketing companies might want their payment according to the preset KPI goals, which you have set for them in order to prove their authenticity. However, they might resort to tampering with the KPI by buying followers, placing fake orders, reporting false search traffic data and so on. They might channel fake leads and fake customers to increase the KPI while bringing no growth to your revenue. Look for their workings in detail before hiring them. Check out the details about the KPI services on their website.
Marketing companies may resort to chain marketing
Some of the top marketing companies might resort to chain marketing. This involves outsourcing their work without informing the client about it. This helps them make a huge revenue while also providing the client with the work. It is common in developed countries where workers are expensive. These first-world countries may outsource their work to third world countries. Follow this GUIDE WITH EXAMPLES FOR NETWORK MARKETING as they create a chain of marketeers for the marketing of your products.
Cost to Results Ratio (ROI)
The ROI is the summary of the value of money on a particularly project or endeavor. ROI is an extremely important aspect when it comes to running businesses. These so-called top advertising agencies might provide false reports when it comes to finances involved in organizing campaigns and promotions. They might pocket a part of the money while dishing out false expenses.
The above factors are just the guidelines when it comes to involving your business with the top advertising agencies. It is very important to select and work with an agency that is actually good. Not all agencies are dishonest and cunning but it is a dog-eat-dog world. You must keep an eye out for predators. Sometimes these companies are hiding unfair means under a blanket of goodwill and good reputation. Read our next blog on 5 ULTIMATE MARKETING TECHNIQUES FOR GROWING A BUSINESS.