‘Confidence and Assertiveness’ are the essential elements of a person’s personality. It can also be said that they are the first and foremost traits that define a person’s character. If you are looking for ways to increase your confidence level, this blog is for you. This blog highlights the ways through which you can improve and build the confidence and assertiveness within you.
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Confidence means believing in oneself and one’s abilities. Assertiveness means insisting on one’s views and opinions. Many people suffer from a lack of confidence and aren’t able to put forth their views. Building confidence and assertiveness are important in order to help a person overcome self-doubt. Nobody wants to hide in somebody else’s shadow. Everyone wants to be heard and speak without fear. This blog is there to help you. ‘Overconfidence’ always comes with issues. An excess amount of overconfidence makes a person egoistic, which is very harmful to anyone’s career. To understand better, check this blog on More Knowledge = Less Ego and High Learning capacity. Here are the tips, which will help you to motivate yourself and to build confidence and assertiveness in you:
1. Monitor your progress
Be your own judge! Keep a track of your own progress. Set small attainable goals for short run and try hard to accomplish them. Self-assessment is one way to increase the confidence level within yourself. When you see yourself reaching up to your own expectations, your confidence level gets boosted. It gradually increases the level of your goals. By attaining higher goals you build your potential and competence. This will further help you build confidence and assertiveness within you.
It’s not hard to motivate yourself to increase your confidence level or to build self-assurance. All you need to do is value what you do. Do all your work diligently and don’t wait for others’ appreciation. Act as your own critic.
2. Stand up for yourself
Learn to be assertive and speak for yourself. Speak your heart out even when you are afraid in front of others. The first and foremost rule is not to go in the zone of self-pity. It is very important for you to support yourself. Even though you feel stupid, don’t get scared to pour your heart out. Try to share your opinion. Remember that we all are here to learn. Assert your presence wherever you go and don’t let yourself become a passive person.
You build confidence and assertiveness when you don’t let anyone suppress you. There are ways to motivate yourself and to increase confidence level within you. One can increase his/her confidence level when he/she doesn’t shy from putting forth their opinions. The key to motivate yourself is by appreciating your own efforts.
3. Don’t be too harsh on yourself
It is unwise to burden yourself with excessive expectations. Know your limits and capabilities before pressuring yourself with work. Take it slow because you don’t have to be a pro at anything from the very first day. Your real progress starts when you are determined to work on your personality. Carefully examine your weaknesses and set small attainable goals. This will help you to increase the confidence level within you.
Don’t let yourself down by comparing yourself with others. Go at your own pace. The most important thing is to constantly motivate yourself to try harder.
4. Don’t care about what people think
Try to let go of your thoughts that tell you, ‘what will people think’? You are the caretaker of your own life and you should lead it with dignity. People won’t come to fight your battles. Increase your confidence level by using other people’s opinion constructively. Accept the criticism, cherish the appreciation and then move forward.
A lot of your energy gets drained when you spend time waiting for people to ratify your efforts. Building confidence and assertiveness is just a matter of choice. You have to decide what matters to you the most.
5. Do what makes you happy
Your craving for happiness will help you increase confidence level within you. When you do something you like, you do not have to prove your competence. This will give you real joy. Also, you keep yourself inspired because you feel comfortable and happy doing that work. Therefore, motivate yourself by doing what gives you satisfaction. The problem arises when you try to live up to those expectations that are beyond your interests. Doing what you like is the key to increase your confidence and assertiveness.
A lot of us suffer from diffidence and self-doubt. This blog aims to help those people who need little guidance to increase their confidence level. Confidence and assertiveness go hand in hand. Either of them is dependent on the other. Build your confidence and assertiveness with these simple tips. It has been noticed that a lot of people deal with a lack of inspiration and motivation at work. Our blog- Increase your motivation: deal with lack of inspiration at work will guide you with the ways to overcome your lack of inspiration in the office.