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  • Post category:WORK LIFE
  • Post last modified:February 23, 2023
  • Reading time:6 mins read

We all struggle in our day to day life trying hard to manage our work. Some of us fail and wonder why. This blog is, therefore, meant for all those people who need time management tips. With the burden of work ever so increasing, you need to learn time management. It is a vital skill along with other technical and INDUSTRY SPECIFIC SKILLS SOUGHT BY ALL EMPLOYERS.

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There is always a way to get out of pressing situations effectively. You just need to know how to act and when to act. Sometimes panic and nervousness seep into our work life and we find it strenuous to do our work with efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to learn multitasking. Here are ways to effectively manage your time.

Make a to-do list    The best time management tips to increase productivity at workplace

1. Make a to-do list: An effective time management tip

Prepare a list of all the things you have to do because it will help you become organized. Make your own checklist in order to learn time management. Strike out the ones you have completed. It will give you a feeling of accomplishment and in turn, boost your self-motivation as well. Read our blog on: IMPROVE YOUR MOTIVATION: DEAL WITH LACK OF INSPIRATION AT WORK to know ways to improve your motivation. Besides this, you remember all the work you have to do when you prepare your own list. You also learn to multitask when you know what are your commitments.

Avoid postponing your work   The best time management tips to increase productivity at workplace

2. Avoid postponing your work

Complete your work then and there. When you postpone your work to some other day, you end up having a load of work and not enough time to complete it. It results in pilling up of work and more pressure on you. This will make you more likely to mismanage things. Moreover, when you are overburdened with work, learning multitasking becomes difficult. In order to manage your time well, the foremost thing is to stop procrastinating. 

Lessen the use of social media   The best time management tips to increase productivity at workplace

3. Another time management tip is to lessen the use of social media

Social media consumes a lot of your time. A five minute peek into your Facebook or Instagram will turn into hours without you even realizing. Learning time management isn’t that easy as it seems. You ought to be determined and focused if you wish to manage things properly. And, doing away from social media significantly saves a lot of time in the workplace. Manage your time by concentrating on other productive things. By saving the time you will get time benefit, which you should utilize to improve the ESSENTIAL SOFT SKILLS REQUIRED IN A JOB. This can help you in procuring your dream position in the company. Learn more about it by reading our blog on SKILLS NEEDED TO SECURE TOP MANAGERIAL POSITION IN INDIA.

Prioritise your responsibilities

4. Prioritize your responsibilities

You should know what is good for your self-development and growth. Learning time management should definitely be one of them. Even if you are in a college or are doing a distance learning course, you can simultaneously opt for freelancing and internship opportunities, if you possess effective time management skills. Attend to your work on the basis of its importance. Don’t randomly start from anywhere, but start in an organized manner. Divide the work on the basis of urgency and importance.

It becomes even more difficult to prioritize responsibilities, when a person is working from home. Watch the video below to learn about simple ways to enhance productivity, if you are working from home.

Get over with the small things first

5. Get over with the small things first

This is an important time management tip. Complete the small tasks first in order to avoid burdens later. Taking care of small work will help you manage your time well in the future. The pressure becomes less when the real challenge comes. Thus, dealing with small work also helps you to learn multitasking. Relieve yourself of the pressure and tension later by getting done with the essential things.

Leave your phone aside

6. Leave your phone aside

Keep your phone aside in the workplace. Use it to as minimum as possible. Phones distract you from your work and reduce your efficiency. Unless it is very urgent, do away with your habit of constantly looking into your phone. Manage your time by avoiding this bad habit. Be professional at work and concentrate on the work on hand. This is one of the essential time management tips to increase your productivity at workplace.

Increase your productivity in the workplace in these simple ways. In conclusion, everyone needs management skills to display satisfactory work. Take your own time and improve gradually. These time management tips will help you become efficient at your work.

Uday Sonthalia

Uday Sonthalia is the promoter and CEO of Uni Square Concepts, a top advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. He has authored the critically acclaimed career guide, The Unparalleled Roadmap. The Uni Square Blog is managed under his dynamic leadership and editorial skills.