We all struggle while making a CV. We all wonder what should we put and what not. This blog will tell you the do’s and don’ts of resume writing. You should also visit our blog on 5 Universal Rules for Effective Resume Writing to learn some great tips about CV/Resume building.
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A resume is a summary of your personality. If you get it wrong, you ruin your first impression. Smartly put all the relevant information in a 1-2 pages long CV. Here are the do’s and don’t of resume writing that you can’t miss. After reading this blog, click here to check our next guide on 6 Simple Tips To Keep In Mind While Writing A Resume. This guide will help you to build a good resume.
1. Highlight relevant experiences
Maintain all the important information in your CV. The information should concern the area of your work. Try to make it as precise and accurate as possible. Don’t mention vague and unrelated things. Interviewers have a deep disregard for candidates who don’t portray information properly. While making a CV, keep in mind that it should be industry-specific and apt for the job profile. Learning resume writing is very crucial to get a job since it sets your first impression.
2. Proper sized fonts and spacing
It is very crucial to keep the font size at the right number. Proper spacing is the next important aspect. Font and spacing, add to the looks of your resume. They make your CV look organized and clean. If you use different font sizes and styles in your resume, then it might look unpleasant and will become hard to read.
Closely written lines will also only make it difficult to read. You shouldn’t give your interviewers a hard time. While analyzing the do’s and dont’s of resume writing, you should keep this tip in mind.
3. Use Active Voice
Use simple statements and write them in an active voice. Don’t try to complicate your information by mentioning them in the passive voice. While learning resume writing, you should know the correct use of active and passive voice. Don’t try to demonstrate your grammar skills in it. While making a CV, you should definitely be very cautious.
1. Avoid mentioning obvious skills
Don’t mention skills that are a requirement of the applied job. If you do this, you will let your interviewer feel that you have nothing else to offer or to share. While analyzing the do’s and don’ts of resume writing, you should ask yourself that the skills that you are mentioning. Are they something different that relates to the job? Interviewers have an eye on candidates who can link their other skills to the job profile and not focus on the obvious and mentioned skills of the job description. So, follow this rule and write your CV properly.
2. Don’t use jargons
Keep your sentences simple and easy to understand. You don’t want your interviewers to Google your mentioned words to know their meaning. Avoid complicating the language of your resume and avoid the use of technical terms. Most importantly, your resume should not have any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or wrong sentences. To avoid such mistakes, we suggest you take help from online grammar editor tools.
While making a CV you should know how the information should be put forward. It should reach your interviewers in the desired way. Learning resume writing is crucial in order to get your dream job. You should get it right in order to secure that job.
3. Don’t give false information
If you are thinking of mentioning any false information in your CV, you must certainly question your intentions! Always be honest in your approach. If you think that your interviewers won’t know, then you are mistaken. Recruiters crosscheck whatever you have claimed by contacting your references. They also have their own sources. While making your CV, be perfectly sure that you aren’t claiming something you haven’t done. Be your honest self in order to get the job.
You must be aware of the fact that a cover letter is key to an aspiring job. Cover letters are important because they tell employers the type of opportunity that you’re seeking and exactly how you’re qualified for it. So, once you are through with your resume writing. Check out this blog and learn about Dos and Dont’s of Preparing a Cover Letter.
The most important aspect of this article is to present you with the information in an apt and honest way. The rest is all about articulating your resume. These were some of the do’s and dont’s of resume writing that you must follow.
Follow this guide to understand all the Top interview skills that will help you get hired in a good company because sometimes we all get our basics wrong and end up giving a disastrous interview.