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  • Post last modified:July 27, 2020
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Employees face various problems and challenges on a daily basis. Such issues affect their work efficiency. In order to overcome this barrier, counselling at work is required. This blog highlights the different types of counselling that are made available to the employees at work.

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Some people find it difficult to cope in the hectic corporate life. Their efficiency will get affected if they aren’t provided timely assistance. There are various forms of counselling that can be made available to the employees to help them get solutions to their problems. Good companies appoint experienced counsellors to tackle the problems of the employees. So, here are the various forms of counselling that are provided by a company:

Directive counselling    Types of counselling that one can seek in a corporate environment

Types of counselling in a company: Directive counselling

Directive counselling involves talking with the employee, knowing what the real issue is and together deciding the way out of the situation. This form of counselling at work mostly involves giving advice, reassurance and communicating. This method works best in simple issues such as lack of motivation, inability to do the work on time, consistent tardiness etc. You may read our blog on GOOD COMUNICATION SKILLS – INDISPENSABLE PART OF WORK to imporve your skills on the communication front.

Directive counselling is used to help the employees pay attention to the problem before disciplinary action comes into force. This type of counselling values the views of the employees more and helps to keep up their spirit. It may also be carried out by experienced people, who are not professional counsellors. Such people may be the direct superiors to whom the person reports to.

Non-directive counselling, Types of counselling that one can seek in a corporate environment

Non-directive counselling

Non-directive counselling works in more complicated issues and situations such as performance difficulties due to exogenous factors, personal conflict, poor communication, etc. This type of counselling needs active listening on part of the counsellor. The counsellor in this method tries to connect and empathize the employee as much as possible. He/she explains the effects of such problem on the team and suggests necessary precautions and steps.

The employee here is encouraged to share his/ her feelings without fear or embarrassment. It is one of the types of counselling were the employee is pressed and motivated to share his/her inner conflicts. Do check our next blog to know what are the 5 WAYS TO MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO TAKE INITIATIVE AT WORK. These are relevant while providing non-directive counselling at work.

Participative counselling, Types of counselling that one can seek in a corporate environment

Types of counselling: Participative counselling

Participative counselling is more expensive because it tries to overcome the limitations of directive and non-directive counselling. This form of counselling at work aims to arrive at the middle ground by following the footsteps of the previous two methods.

Participative counselling aims to establish a counsellor-counsellee relationship where a cooperative solution is reached to find the way out of the problems. Both the parties, here, mutually apply their conscience, knowledge and logic to find a viable solution. This process also helps the employee to confront his/her own faults. So, this is a form of counselling that merges the elements of both directive and non-directive counselling. 

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Disciplinary counselling

Disciplinary is a type of counselling, in which there is a personal interaction between the counsellor and the employee. In this, the employee is motivated and helped to abide by the code of conduct in the organization. It may focus on certain workplace incidents or something related to performance appraisal. A particular action by the employee might have been identified by the supervisor and disciplinary action has to be initiated. In such situation, this type of counselling at work will help to correct the approach of the employee by talking. Counsellors in charge are responsible to help the concerned worker acknowledge his/ her faults and motivate him/ her to adhere to the rules.

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Personal counselling

Sometimes the employees struggle to perform their work efficiently due to personal problems. Personal counselling is one of the most important forms of counselling, which helps an individual to find out ways to tackle personal life issues. Many a time employees have marital issues, financial issues, health issues etc. All these problems collectively hinder the growth of the individual. Therefore, effective counselling at work can help such employees to overcome these problems and concentrate on their personal life and professional life in a better way.

These were some important counselling methods. Employees can get timely help and assistance with the help of counsellors. The role of counselling has improved a lot in the recent times. With people becoming more stressful, help is needed in every field. Read our next blog on 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO EFFECTIVE STRESS MANAGEMENT AT WORK that shares some proven tips to be more efficient at work.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.