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  • Post category:WORK LIFE
  • Post last modified:February 23, 2023
  • Reading time:5 mins read

You will face a variety of problems when you are in the workplace. Some problems will require your special attention and demand a solution. Here we focus on highlighting the ways to strengthen your decision making ability.

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It is very important to take the correct decision at workplace because a lot of people’s interest is at stake. A reasonable and calculated approach is needed to do this. Here are the ways in which you can develop your critical thinking ability and take good decisions at work.

Self analysis, Integral ways to strengthen your decision making ability

Strengthen decision making through Self-analysis

Don’t have the the misconception that you are always going to take the right decision. Sometimes, we all get carried away by the heat of the moment and end up taking disastrous decisions. So, it is crucial that you reflect upon your yourself. Give it a second thought. You will face various occasions at work where you have to take critical decisions. Be very wise and kill your ego. Don’t let your ego overcome your ability to think rationally. It is detrimental not only to you but also to your organization. Do keep in mind, MORE KNOWLEDGE = LESS EGO AND HIGH LEARNING CAPACITY.

Seek advice, Integral ways to strengthen your decision making ability

Seeking advice strengthens your decision making

If you feel trapped and are unable to find a reasonable way out, better seek advice from a person you can trust. Involve your colleagues at work and ask for their stance of the issue. Go for the solution which has the consent of majority of the employees. Never take a haphazard decision and always have patience and composure. Taking critical decisions at work is very challenging. Consulting the relevant people surely strengthens your decision making ability. Thus, don’t hesitate whenever you have to take critical decisions in office.

Measure the pros and cons

Measure the pros and cons

Every decision has its own flaws and benefits. You can never take a stand which is absolutely right because every action will have some negative effects. But, it is the advantages that count. While taking any critical decision, try to find out its pros and cons so that you get a more reasonable view of it. Think rationally and see if the merits outnumber the demerits. If so, then you have to take the decision considering the more good it will do than the bad. When you take decisions in a professional capacity, some are going to be more affected than the others. You can strengthen your decision making ability by considering the benefit of the majority. Large organizations and even small businesses conduct workshops and events to motivate their employees. That’s also an amazing way to guide them to improve their thinking ability.

Narrow your options, Integral ways to strengthen your decision making ability

Narrow your options to strengthen decision making

Condense your options to top 5 or top 3 so that you don’t run clueless about which one you should opt for. Firstly, jot down the various possible solutions and analyze them. Secondly, write their respective pros and cons. After you have all the essentials, struck out the ones which have more demerits. You are now left with fewer options. Think rationally and take the most suitable decision. The entire process will strengthen your decision making ability and will help you improve it.

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Learn from your mistakes & strengthen decision making

If you have still not figured out why your decisions turn to be very absurd every time, you better have a look at your past record. As mentioned above, self analysis is the key. Taking critical decisions won’t be easy if you don’t heed your mistakes. Take a note of your action and try to improve it. Understand the importance of learning from your own mistakes.

These were some important tips to strengthen your decision making ability at work. Follow these steps to improve and take wiser decisions in both your personal and professional life. Read our next blog on TIPS TO ENSURE DEADLINE SUCCESS WHILE MAINTAINING EFFICIENCY to get some proven tips to achieve success at workplace.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.