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  • Post category:MARKETING
  • Post last modified:November 25, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Sales and marketing are two significant pillars of every business. They play a major role in determining the profitability and growth of a company. For a successful business, one needs to integrate sales and marketing in an ideal manner. This article provides ways for successfully integrating sales and marketing.

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What is the concept behind ‘integrate sales and marketing’? Integrating sales and marketing means directing sales and marketing towards the same goal. Marketing is a broad concept which includes sales as a major part. However, the importance of the concept of ‘sales’ is independent of marketing. This is because of its adequate requirement for the smooth running of the business. Whereas, marketing ensures achievement of a particular sales volume. 

Following are the methods to successfully integrate sales and marketing in a business:

improving efficiency of the sales and marketing team-Aim at creating a good ambience in the business organisation

1. Develop an appropriate working environment 

Aim at creating a good ambience in your company. The marketing team and sales team should maintain a certain level of harmony with each other. Ensure a good communication between the two teams. Get the same level of agreement out of both the teams. Inculcate a united feeling in the teams. For example, when a task is given, make sure that both the teams are equally accountable for its completion. For this purpose, ensure a proper in-built communication system among both the teams. When the sales and marketing teams will be in sync, there will be clarity in the company’s working structure.

To facilitate this, make sure that simple and repeatable systems are in place. There are a ton of different small business workflow software available, which help with this. By Simplifying workflow and communication between the sales and marketing team, you can bring clarity to the whole company.

offering incentives- sales and marketing teams should be regularly incentivised

2. Offer Incentives to sales and marketing teams 

Offering incentives is a major source of motivation. The sales and marketing teams should be regularly incentivised in order to ensure a high level of productivity. The company can offer bonuses to the sales team for meeting goals and thus, improving efficiency of the sales team. For example, on completion of a particular target, paid leaves can be offered to the sales team. Similarly, the marketing team must be incentivised too. They can be given incentives based on their performances. Offering incentives is a significant tool in the concept of ‘integrate sales and marketing’. 

 interlinked goals for sales and marketing teams

3. Set interlinked goals for sales and marketing

Prepare interlinked goals for sales and marketing teams. Develop a connection between the individual goals of both the teams such that they foster one another. For example, if the sales team is given a target of achieving a specific sales volume, the marketing team can help the sales team in identifying the right customers. This will develop a sense of cooperation among the two teams. Moreover, both will have a unified view of the objectives of the business. 

 sales and marketing strategy should revolve around serving the customers

4. Create a customer centered sales and marketing strategy

The sales and marketing strategy should revolve around serving the customers. Analyse the customer behaviour and form the strategies accordingly. Both the individual strategies should focus on convincing the customers to make the purchase. Outline the proper steps towards convincing the customers. The experiences of both the teams (while dealing with customers) can be shared. This will give an idea of areas where there is a scope of improvisation. This is a useful way to enhance the interaction level of the sales and marketing team.

All the above points can be used to successfully integrate sales and marketing. It is an essential requirement for unifying a business. The customers will get a positive feeling from your company’s clarity. It paves a smooth way towards success.


Uni Square Concepts is an advertising agency located in New Delhi, India. By initiating The Uni Square Blog, we aim to provide a comprehensive portal where readers can educate themselves about the various aspects of advertising and marketing. The articles and blogs are written by our professional team of content writers, under the guidance of senior leaders of Uni Square Concepts including its CEO, Uday Sonthalia.