Information is everything in the modern day world. There are numerous ways to get informed. We can simply read a newspaper or a magazine or just go through the internet. Magazines are one of the means to get informed. They keep us up to date with the on-goings around us. But have you ever thought how instinctively we pick a magazine only by looking at its cover!? This article presents top creative magazine cover psd template files.
Everybody judges a book by its cover. Only if the cover convinces us to read, we go ahead to read it. It is essential to ensure the magazine’s presentation in every aspect. Go for an ideal cover according to the purpose of your magazine. Following are the top PSD magazine cover design templates that’s gonna fit your need in one way or the other.
1. Multi purpose magazine cover template
This is a blue coloured magazine cover template which can be used for numerous purposes. It is flexible in nature and can be easily customised. A professional and good use of graphics has been made on the cover. Click here to download this template psd.
2. Food magazine cover template
This is a magazine cover for restaurants. It has a bold and attractive image of food on its cover. It aims to catch the viewer’s attention by displaying an appealing delicacy to them. There are SIX BASIC PRINCIPLES OF WORKING ON PHOTOSHOP THAT PROFESSIONALS CAN’T MISS to modify and organise the image in a structured manner. Free magazine photoshop file can be downloaded here.
3. Creative magazine cover template
This is a creative multi-purpose magazine cover template. It can be used for numerous purposes and can be easily customised. This enhances the flexibility of the template. This free magazine photoshop file available here.
4. Sports magazine cover template
This is a magazine cover suitable for organisations related to sports. It has a space for an attractive photograph related to sports on the front. Various shapes are made for the information to be presented in a unique manner. Download free magazine cover template PSD here.
So these were my pics for one of the best magazine cover templates available online. Enhance the overall visual appeal of your magazine by picking an attractive and purposeful cover. Give a credible and authentic touch to your magazine by going for the right cover template. Check out the next blog on GET HIRED AS A PROFESSIONAL GRAPHIC DESIGNER BY DEVELOPING THESE 4 ULTIMATE SKILLS.