Creativity is a natural process and we know how it creates an impact in the field of designing. The process of designing involves analysing the problems and coming up with innovative solutions. The standard of a design is determined by the professional and creative element in the designing process. This article lays down an easy and effective approach to learn designing.
What basically is designing process? It is simply a process of generating ideas to build creative and innovative designs. Established designers follow the right approach and steps to do professional designing, which help them reap good results. These are the steps for an ideal designing process:
1. Understand your purpose of design
Acquire an in-depth understanding of the purpose behind your design. It is crucial to understand the problem and the concept involved in it. Focus on the individual challenges and problems posed by the concept and try to look at the problem from the viewer’s end and not from the designer’s perspective. Approach the situation with critical thinking, by observing it from different angles. This will enhance your understanding of the concept and you will be able to perform better. This is a significant prerequisite to learn designing.
2. Explore maximum number of ideas
Explore the ideation process and think of as many ideas as possible. For this to happen, you have to opt for several techniques like brainstorming, doodle etc. Push yourself out of the rigid and conventional arena and do not settle for the most obvious solutions. Record all your ideas in a notebook, recorder or a laptop. Keep a track of all the ideas and give them equal importance while listing out the best. This is an innovative way of thinking and will help you to come up with a great number of unique ideas. This is one of the most important steps to do professional designing.
3. Set a deadline
The probability of achieving goals increases if you keep deadlines. Creative work cannot be executed professionally without having deadlines. Constraints and deadlines are significant as they will help you to concentrate while working. Manage your time and use it in a constructive manner. For example, if you have to create a brochure design in two days, start by preparing a systematic and organised time schedule. Stick to the schedule and try to achieve the target within the deadline. Setting a deadline will help you in your further designing process.
4. Get your ideas tested
Remember that you are developing designs for external viewers and your aim is to create attractive designs in order to grab their attention. For sorting out the best ideas, ask for external reviews. Ask people to give feedbacks and entertain their criticisms. Analyse the average feedbacks from the external people and sort out the best ideas. Expose new perspectives by taking into consideration other people’s opinions. This will surely help you to improve your designing process.
5. Reproduce the ideas in the form of rough sketches
Sketching is the best way to easily express ideas and imaginations. Rework your ideas and reproduce them on a drawing page. At this stage, the designs don’t have to seem like Michelangelo or Da Vinci’s work. Produce a rough sketch with light strokes of pencil and keep doing it until you have a number of raw and basic ideas to choose from. You shouldn’t let the perspective of other person affect your working potential. Some people might appreciate your ideas, some might not. Their inspection is the last thing to consider to learn designing.
6. Select the best sketch
Out of all your sketches, choose the one sketch that is eye-catching and start working on it. Now try to sketch with a little more detailing. Focus on the lines, make them dark with more gentle strokes this time. This is a crucial step in the designing process as it sets the base for rest of the points.
7. Make the sketch in a computer
If you’re done with the improvements and think that the sketch is finally ready, then you should proceed to make the sketch in the computer, one of the most important steps to do professional designing. You can use software like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign or Adobe Photoshop for this purpose. Make your sketch there and try to find out imperfections and work on them.
Don’t consider adding colours to your design at this point. Focus on the sketch only.
8. Create variations and select the best one
Making variations in your work can either come out as magic or a blasphemy. So what you must not do at this point is to interfere with the basics of your design. The variations should be made properly. Study your work again. Look for different styles. Consider different angle options. Throwing in some shapes would be a good idea. Test them on your sketch and select the best output.
9. Add colours
Uptil this point, you have succeeded in making the basic structure of your design. This is the time to make it come alive with your creative skills and colourful imagination in designing process. Add colours to your black and white sketch. Use the colours that reflect the notion of your design. Use the different colors according to your need and try to balance them. Be careful with the shades too. Not too glossy, not too dull.
10. Check for design aesthetics
Here comes the real, professional use of your technical design knowledge. Dive more and more into the software and explore some professional design aesthetics by getting the ratios right, adjusting proportions and highlights, etc. Here are some design aesthetics you must check and bring up to code:
- Spacing
- Placing
- Highlighting
- Ratio
- Proportion
- Symmetry
The thing you need to understand is that they are going to play a significant role in the appearance of your design, making it look professional. It is advisable to do some research of your own about these measures and then proceed with designing process. Read more about design aesthetics on our blog: ‘Top 10 designing principles: Understand the dynamics behind design aesthetics’.
11. Check for errors
Yes, the errors could be everywhere. What you got to do now, is to inspect the final draft of your design. Check for mistakes like inappropriate symmetry, ratio balances, etc. The design has to be flawless, prior to being presented before anyone. The design should be perfect at last, not a blasphemy to say least. It is also one of the most important steps to do professional designing.
12. Publish the Final Output
If you are done with your design with all the above mentioned points, you must save the final draft in the right format now. For example, if you want to print the design, save it in PDF format. If you want to publish it on a website or a blog, go for PNG format. Just want it for viewing purpose, then you can show it to your friends and family in a JPEG format.
13. Stay persistent and consistent
Persistence and consistency are keys to successfully learn designing. You should have determination and patience while working. For example, coming up with maximum number of ideas can be a tiresome process. However, your persistence will help you overcome the barriers. Follow consistent standards while coming up with creative ideas. If you are determined to learn designing, your consistency will reflect in the quality of ideas you generate. It is also one of the most important steps to do professional designing.
All these points demonstrate an ideal approach to learn designing and are some of the most important steps to do professional designing. Creativity and innovation are indispensable in the entire process. Work in a systematic manner and be consistent in order to excel in your craft and the involving designing process. Read about different types of designing processes on our blog: ’10 designing methodologies for creative conceptualisation of ideas’.